Frequently Asked Questions
The opening date is January 25th. Applications will be accepted (only via Internet) till February 25th.
The Spartathlon is an extremely tough and unique event and to help maintain the integrity of the race we have to impose certain pre-race qualifications. Full details of these requirements can be found on the Terms of particpation.
Please refer to the Spartathlon Route page.
Documentation is relatively simple and is mostly included within the Entry Form. This includes a declaration from your running club, doctors certificate, 2 passport photographs and your entry form. You should download and read the details shown on the Prerequisites page and complete the race application included on the Entry Form page
The paricipation fee for Spartathlon race for all athletes is 450€ and is payable to the International Spartathlon Association.
Depending on the services provided, there are Mandatory packages available.
See chapter 6 here
After the closing date all applications will be examined and you will receive a confirmation.
The International Spartathlon Association is a non-profit making cultural and athletics association, registered under public law in Athens. Its finances are derived from fees paid by members. Support in cash, supplies and services for the organisation of the race itself are provided by the sponsorship of Greek and foreign business concerns and private individuals. No prize money has ever been offered to runners throughout the history of the Association. International support of the race has been phenomenal and runners continue to return for the pure thrill and hospitality that is offered by race handlers, volunteers and the citizens of Greece itself.
Some information will be sent to you at the time we confirm that your application has been accepted and all other outstanding materials such as: room reservations, ID pass, race number and other information will be handed over when the runner officially registers for the race in Athens.
There is a waiver clause in the application form wording that exempts the International Spartathlon Association (ISA) from responsibility due to a runner's injury or loss of personal possessions.
SPARTATHLON provides insurance for accident and medical care during the duration of the race.
In these times it is normal for the typical tourist to take out travel insurance before leaning their home country, so it is logical for a runner to consider a similar package. Insurance arrangements can be made with most travel agencies, in most countries, and some offer special packages tailor made for athletic pursuits.
If you decide to drop out of the race or are eliminated for any reason you will be required to sign the appropriate declaration and hand in your race number to a race official. Spartathlon personnel are responsible for providing onwards transportation to your hotel in Sparta. If you need medical attention this will also be provided by the race organisation.
Details on retirement or elimination can be found on the Rules and Regulations page.
All runners may receive assistance from an officially registered support team ONLY at especially designated Check Points. The runner must register his/her support car at the registration office in Athens (Bicycles or motorcycles are not allowed).
Details can be found on the Rules and Regulations page.
Please contact with the I.S.A.
Please click on the above menu Participation - Terms of Participation.
400 runners.
Runners who have achieved a performance which is AT LEAST 25% better than one of the participation prerequisites, will be definitely accepted. For the rest of the runners a lottery will take place in order to reach 400 participations. A WAITING LIST will also be formed to replace runners who can not finally participate
The Entry Fee must be sent to the International Spartathlon Association not later than 10 June. If the fee is not paid in time, the application will be automatically considered as cancelled.