Máté Mónika

Birthdate: 1979
Gender: Female
Short CV:
I am 44 years old, married for 22 years and have an 19-year-old daughter. I started running in 2004 on my daughter's recommendation. At first with very small distances, because I was hugely overweight, I was 92 kg when I started dieting and running. Since then, fortunately, thanks to running, I lost 34 kg and have been increasing my running distances for years. In 2006, I decided that I would like to participate in the Spartathlon one day. Since then, this is why I train every day and why I fight everyday. I started competing in ultra distances in 2018.
ID Year Race Start BiB CP Start / Date CP End / Date C/P Total Time
44 2023 30/09/2023 07:00:00 265 30/09/2023 07:00:42    
45 2024 28/09/2024 07:00:00 317